Monday, March 16, 2015

The Macbride Raptor Project

   The Macbride Raptor Project or "MRP" is a nonprofit organization devoted to the preservation of Iowa's raptors and their natural habitats. We achieve our goals through the rehabilitation of sick and injured raptors, educational programs for the public, and field research of Iowa's native birds of prey.
   We offer several opportunities to support our program.  Families, individuals and organizations can help the MRP continue to fulfill our mission through educational programming, corporate sponsorships, and private donations.
   There are several options for educational programming that are available to groups of all sizes and ages.  MRP offers tours of the Macbride Raptor Center, where we house sixteen permanently injured birds of prey.  Staff will lead a tour of the sixteen cages and our bird blind.  We educate on the species that are seen, as well as environmental and conservation topics.  We also offer traveling programs.  Staff will bring two birds of prey to your location and offer information on the MRP, the birds that are being presented and environmental and conservation topics.  Adoptions are available with either type of programming.  Through an adoption, specific birds can be sponsored.  With an adoption, you will receive a one year adoption certificate and a framed picture of the sponsored raptor. Please contact our clinic, at 319-398-5495, to ask about pricing and to schedule educational programming.
   Corporate sponsorships and private donations can be made to help with food costs, medical costs and maintenance costs.  Not only does the MRP house, feed and treat 25 - 30 permanent residents, but we also see 140 - 160 sick, or injured raptors annually.  These birds are in our care for varied lengths of time, depending on the severity of the injury and the extent of the rehabilitation.  If you are interested in programming, or sponsorships, please call 319-398-5495.  If you are interested in sending a donation,
Checks can be made payable to MRP and sent to:
Raptor Clinic, Washington Hall
6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW
PO Box 2068
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
   Thank you for your support.

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